A morning reflection for my wonderful wife and all the mothers in my life...
Mothers, so much of what’s right in the world is because of you
The big and little things you do.
Sometimes we say thanks but for the most part we don’t
You do it not because you get, but because you want
You taught me to hope
And never give up
To give, even if it’s my last
You taught me, well, to pick up trash
Even, when I didn’t throw it down
You taught me to laugh
When the world around me frowned
You are tender, yet strong
Oh, how your love covers so many of our wrongs
Where would we be, without you?
Sometimes we say thanks but for the most part we don’t
You do it not because you get, but because you want
For the spiritual moms
And those this day brings pain
A longing unfulfilled
To you the same, Love
We give our love, our thanks, for mothers’ sake
Because you aren’t just alright
When the sun is shining bright
You are teaching me now,
It’s ok to be sad,
That my heart should break a little
In this world so mad
We see your courage
And with little disdain
The sacrifices you make
For the sake of our gain
Holding an umbrella
Amidst the pouring rain
Doing what’s best, to bring about change
So to you we say,
We are grateful,
You are seen
Mommy, you are our, everything…